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I hope you enjoy.
These are the ones I've made that are finished. I hope you enjoy.
This one makes things like debts, IOU contracts, debentures and the likes.
There's also on the website (not in the forums).
Also in the forums:
Based off of a random card method of idea generation. Hence it is named card picker.
I made this since I thought it might prove useful.
Hey, here is another gen, one for scrolls. There are mundane and there are enchanted scrolls. Feel free to play with it.
That's fun. If you want to randomize the number of scrolls, you could do something like the attached. (I also got rid of an extra "a" at the end and changed the wording about seals slightly.)
Thanks, jdale
More recent generators to keep this thread current:
GURPS generic mundane NPC generator at the end of
Rolemaster (RMU) NPC generator, herbs, and herb shop inventory:
Hey, I got some more, the reaction table is based off of Black Hack RPG and is under th Open Game License.
The rewards is something I came up with a long time ago.
The robotics stuff is something I came up with for a fanfiction but I decided to share in hopes that someone will or might expand it one day.
Have fun!
Hey everybody. I got a TTRPG booklet called burning goblins and found something called a Spell Construct mentioned inside. I decided to make a gen for individual ones, which will be based off of Harry Potter since I plan on using it in fanfiction. anyone can add to it and everything but the gender and the topic of knowledge was already in the PDF. I'll include the basics to the creature so others can decide if they want to use/edit this gen, but have fun and share back if you edit it.
Hello again, I made a Feathers and Pelts generator. It is primarily for use with Naruto fanfiction, seeing as some of it has pelts larger than a shack and the animals of the Forest of Death fit in there. If anyone has any stories where animals also appear as giants, though less common, then this is for you. Otherwise just use the Common ones.
Kind of pointless to use deck picks, but then shuffle the table every draw.
But always nice to have different kinds of treasure.
Hey there everybody. I managed to do some testing and had some help to make a two prompt gen version of the Feathers and Pelts that I am using for my Naruto Fanfiction. Here it is, so feel free to both use and edit.
Hey, I don't remember where exactly I had gotten it, but I remember download a Chance Gen from somewhere that went with IPP. However, when I just went to use it I realized that something was wrong. I looked in the code and found two different mistakes nearly identical.
This is what it was
Odds are {Odds='[when]{$Prompt1}=Random[do][@RandomOdds][else][@RandomOdds][end]'}.\n&
Chaos Rank is {Chaos=[when]{$Prompt2}=Random[do]{1d9}[else]{1d9}[end]}.\n&
This is what it is now
Odds are {Odds='[when]{$Prompt1}=Random[do][@RandomOdds][else]{$Prompt1}[end]'}.\n&
Chaos Rank is {Chaos=[when]{$Prompt2}=Random[do]{1d9}[else]{$Prompt2}[end]}.\n&
So I decided to change it and repost it, but I have looked on the list above and can't find it. I don't know where to find it but here is the Chance V2 Gen.
I sort of messed on the Chance V2, so here is the Chance V3.
Hey, I made a few more.
Foraging for Food
Complete, but might have additions later.
Alchemy Reagents
Not like I wanted it but still fair. For use with KibblesTasty Alchemy Crafting Homebrew on Reddit.
Parts of the Alchemy reagents might be useful for other Kibblestasty Crafting Homebrews.
Guild and Adventure Stuff
I'm using this in a story and so I edited it for me, but I'm sure that any of you might have some ideas as to what to do with it or expand it to the full intended Gen others would like.
If anyone wants to edit or is bored have a go at adding to these. Just send me a link or post one here so I can see the shiny new toy!
The PDf for Guild and Adventure Stuff
The links above that link back to NBOS Forum threads are all dead. Does anyone have copies of these IPT files they'd like to share?
Nightblade -)--
The links seem to be taking out the / between the .com and discussion. If you edit the URL to put that / back where it belongs, they still work.
A question for the site mods why that is happening....
Thanks for the news, @jdale .
I've made the complete edition of the Adventurer's guild gen after some time. Here it is.
Hey, this may not be complete in terms of math, but this is a gen based off of KibblesTasty and his Crafting Compendium. This first one is the one based off the alchemy set. I plan on making an Alchemy Brew gen to go along with it as well.
Thanks for figuring that out jDale! Seems you're a huge help boht here & on the ICE Forums
I'll add my own IPP Gen - based on the Coin Generation Tables in Rolemaster (RMU): a Random Coin Generator.
Example results:
A Ellipse shaped coin. The coin has no special edge features. With name of issuer as a Special Feature. On the face of the coin is a fish and there is a building on the tails side.
A Pentagon shaped coin with one square shaped holes. The coin has grooves along its edge. With name of issuer as a Special Feature. On the face of the coin is a mythical hero standing, facing front and there is a landscape on the tails side.
A Circle shaped coin. The coin has no special edge features. With name of person/item portrayed as a Special Feature. On the face of the coin is a mythical hero profile, facing right and there is a building on the tails side.
A Circle shaped coin with one square shaped holes. The coin has no special edge features. With coin name/value as a Special Feature. On the face of the coin is a plant and there is a plant on the tails side.
A Circle shaped coin. The coin has no special edge features. With name of person/item portrayed as a Special Feature. On the face of the coin is a beast and there is a plant on the tails side.
A Circle shaped coin with one square shaped holes. The coin has no special edge features. With name of issuer as a Special Feature. On the face of the coin is a military figure profile, facing right and there is a royal/noble standing, facing front on the tails side.
Nightblade ->--
Here's one more. Random Virtues & Vices for your character of NPC derived from Vampire: The Requiem - but usable for any character development purposes.
Example output:
Virtue Charity; Vice Envy
Virtue Justice; Vice Pride
Virtue Faith; Vice Gluttony
Virtue Justice; Vice Sloth
Virtue Prudence; Vice Lust
Nightblade ->--
One more I just hobbled together this morning to help me randomly determine military ranks for NPCs. A Military Rank generator. This is my first attempt at using prompts & I think it worked out pretty good
It only does Army & Navy ranks, but you could easily modify the file to add other branches of the military or other types of ranks (Nobility perhaps?). There are two prompts. The first chooses the Military Branch (Army or Navy) while the second chooses the Commission (NCO, Officer or Flag Officer)
Example output:
You are a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy
You are a Commander in the Navy
You are a Lieutenant in the Navy
You are a Commander in the Navy
You are a Captain in the Navy
You are a Staff Sergeant in the Army
You are a Sergeant in the Army
You are a Private in the Army
You are a Sergeant in the Army
You are a Corporal in the Army
Nightblade ->--
Hey, I got a matching set, the Alchemy Brew based off Kibblestasty and the Shop summary based of it. The Alchemy Foraging gen I made goes with these two as a full set.
I forgot to post them.