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  • Thanks. That probably isn't everything I need to know (like getting the results from several different files to output as a single result), but it gives me a place to start, and experimentation will probably get me some way from there.
  • Do they all have to be part of the same file? As it stands, I'd have Bonus.ipt call BonusItem.ipt, which would call Blades.ipt, which would call BladeProp.ipt. If they need to be in the same file, I have a lot of cutting and pasting to do, and a lo…
  • Personally the reason I'm hoping for AS4 is Unicode support. To be able to write "Alpha" as "α".
  • "...the only way to simulate that would be to write a script that [generates a sector of _____ size,] calculates the visual magnitude of each star from the central point, and filter out those that fall below [above] some threshold." And find a way …
  • You'd have to have an idea what luminosity "falls off the map" at a given distance, have an idea what the density is at "distance 0," and generate objects less than X luminosity until density is up to Y. Does that make sense?
  • No, that's the opposite of what I'm asking. I'm saying that since the data set gets less dense the further out you go, and we know the reason why, is there a way to "buff" the data set as you go outward to make up for that loss. Basically put in th…
  • Good point. Thanks.
  • "Within 10" was what I was looking for, thanks. So if I want all G2V stars within 100 ly, "Root only, spectral like "G2V", within 100" will return that, right?
  • Yeah, this one isn't working either. I tried using the Helix Nebula as an example. The largest photo I can find of it is 6000x4000, and that barely shows up at all. I need something that will cover 2.5 ly for Helix, and no picture I can find is anyw…
  • Well I haven't found one. I did some guesswork that gave me a pretty flat disc across the entire Orion Spur, the 0,0 mark at the edge of the spherical sector points toward Sagitarrius A*and the "North Pole" points at Coma Berenices, but I can't pro…
  • I got hold of the author of that sector map, so maybe I'll get a comparatively easy answer. If I do, I'll post it here for anybody else who wants to be able to convert datasets from RA/DEC orientation to galactic coordinates.
  • I'm not having any luck. I can find any number of tools to convert RA/DEC to galactic coordinates, but only for single objects. What I'm trying to find out is how much and in what directions IceAceTom had to rotate his spherical grid on his "Space 1…
  • It might... but for a nebula, I'd probably want an image that could cover several light years on the map. I might be able to do that in the image file, since I can't scale it as a blazon. Can I safely assume that the image will "rotate" to face the…
  • That was pretty much the plan... unless I can find a way to put an actual image of the nebula centered on that spot. For the Coal Sack, I'd figured I'd just use a sphere of influence with a very dark grey color.
  • That was what I was trying to say. I'm using the Hipparcos 5000ly dataset, and I'm fairly certain that it's aligned to Earth's orientation. Anyway, thank you.
  • I have a problem, but it's not with AS. My computer crashed and I lost my copy of AS. How do I go about getting another one?
  • Shaira wrote: Hi there GrumpyOldFart, Did you get anywhere with your efforts generating system contents for already placed stars? Sarah No, I didn't. Just a bit over 2 years ago, my mother's house burned to the ground, and she passed …
  • 6) The ability to delineate subsectors as other than merely cubic or spherical. For example, if I want to make a subsector delineating the size and placement of a nebula, I want to be able to make it a spheroid, but should be able to give it distinc…
  • 5) Unicode support. In other words, the ability to label Alpha Centauri, for example, as "α Cen".
  • Now I have a very different problem. I have a free VBS editor, so I can get the color coding to help make sense of a script, so long as I change the file extension to .vbs from .astroscript... but I don't see any way I can debug it. I mean yes, I…
  • Look at the API doc for the list of properties and functions. I'd love to, but I don't know where it is. EDIT: Never mind, found it. Thanks!
  • That looks like it will be useful to play with. There's only a couple of things I still have a question about, in terms of whether or not I can do what I need with those commands: ...you can use the body class's DeleteChildren method. What ha…
  • I'm willing to start teaching myself how to write plugins anyway, so let me ask this: What command accesses the "Delete System Contents" function inside AS? If I can find out that one, I can probably learn everything else I need to know from plugins…
  • The other thing I think is badly needed is for the sector generator to have the ability to infer starfield density from what you already have. So for example, you can take a 50ly radius chunk of star field from actual Hipparcos data or wherever that…
  • If we're going to have a single common thread for all AS new feature requests, I'll repeat my desire for Unicode support here. I'm not going to give you any grief over it, since I was one of the beta testers of the current version. If I failed to th…
  • silvercat17 wrote: How do I get a random number between 30 & 40? 1d10 + 30 won't give 30... 1d11 + 29
  • I don't know anything about FM, but I do know something about printers. If you have good fine line resolution right up until the actual printing, but then lose it on the page itself, the most likely culprit is your paper quality. That and the fact t…
  • That's cool, and my apologies for jogging your elbow to find out something that was already in the help file (to that extent, anyway)... and playing in it showed me that you can sort ascending/descending by any field name that appears in the display…
  • While we're putting things on the wish list for later upgrades/versions, it would be nice if the search function included sorting by spectral class of the star (or primary in a multiple system.)