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  • In your Table: SeaCoastRoad take out the line Roll: 1d10. You're already sending the die roll value to the table in your callout above. I'm guessing that might be confusing the table, and it's unnecessary (you can just REM out the line with a ; (sem…
  • Here's a quick answer. The code should show how to set a die roll as a constant, then call the same constant several times, adding various modifyers to it. I have a more complex solution to work out (where the generator would determine day/night and…
  • I think all the generators (at least most) have a small blue font hyperlink in the form Download GeneratorName.ipt at the very top of the output results (once you run the online generator). You do have to run the generators online one at a time, but…
  • Win XP takes me back to the good old days. I think I'll pull an old desktop out of the basement (why can't I bring myself to recycle the hardware graveyard???), grab some tweezers and randomly move around jumpers on the pins of the motherboard (not …
  • Haha. Nice generator. I'll grab another tankard of ale and join in the singing.
  • Glad it gave you an idea. You're right on the city/metro comment. It still gives the intended result - more horses for sale to adventurers in a metro than a city. I haven't had a chance to copy, run, and review your generator yet, but it looks like…
  • Here's the table for gem size. You see, it's a 1d100 roll. But that is modified in the line that calls the table base monster CR level. It could be 1d100 +0 up to 1d100 +180 (and there's also variability in the call beyond just simple CR). So, whil…
  • Code for horses part 2: Next 9 tables are chance of specialty training, by gender and temperment #[TrainValue] is horse cost multiplier for specialty training; it is currenlty consistent among the 9 tables, but could be edited for use (i.e. a hot-…
  • Code for horses part 1: ; Horses.ipt ; created 4/14/2017 4:43:34 PM Header: Horses #Add pony as a breed. From 9.5 to 14.5 hands high, greater burden per hh, considerably slower movement even for walk, based on shorter leg length. Maybe prompt for …
  • Here's a long, rambling piece of code that may help a bit, if I haven't made too much of a mess of it. And it probably won't execute because it's just a piece of the overall .ipt file. So looking at the TrainMod and Training tables... TrainMod: La…
  • Nice solution!
  • If it's a specific image in a set location (not a randomly determined image from a table roll) then try the single slash formatting like I used in "table background=" above. For that, remember that its a single backslash after drive letter, then sin…
  • You can always nest a new "when" statement in the "else" part of the prior when statement. For me, the nesting makes it "feel" more like an Excel "if" statement. Here, to make it read better, I just used the continuation symbol "&" to see the ne…
  • Here's a quick go of it Prompt the user for Odds. That is something that should be context sensitive and not random. You could make it random, but that would be unrealistic. You may need a table for each "Odds" row. Could be other ways of doing it…
  • Here's another quick idea. In this example, I've weighted table [@blah] so that the first choice show up 200x more frequent than the others, meaning it rolls 1d10+20, or 21 to 30. It should always come up "dagger", and it does. Change up that first …
  • Rolls like 1d100 or 1d6 are very flexible. For example, here's putting a user prompt as a conditional to select which die to roll. Instead of specifying a die to roll, there is a conditional; if met, roll a d100; if false, roll a die corresponding t…
  • Maybe I read the question wrong. Online, you can upload generators to NOX. It can be found under the Community tab of the NBOS homepage. Here's a direct link: https://www.nbos.com/nox/index.php?pcatid=48
  • Place generators in the folder (or subfolders below) Generators. Any generator called in Use: command should be located in Common (or a subfolder below Common). My IPP folder shown in the image below is located in my User\Documents folder. Not sure…
  • Never heard of Dragon Quest till now. In the last two days, I have obtained all books, read them cover to cover, and am looking forward to playing. Also, looking to develop some generators for battle resolution and an interactive Character Sheet. It…
  • As always, thanks for sharing! Could be useful as a called generator within a "crime" generator. Or as you say, within a "recent events" generator for a settlement. Nice work!
    in Murder! Comment by Levendor January 2019
  • Try Define: for calculations that are constant and don't have the randomness of a die roll. This code works (at least with no errors, and a hand check of the results looks good): ; Test Pop.ipt ; created 1/2/2019 3:06:00 PM Prompt: Population {} {5…
  • Also, if you don't want choice #1 on Table: Slave to be selected 6x as often as choices 2 - 7, then you could just use 3: [#{1d7} Slave] for line 3 of Table: Master. The way it stands with the "when" or "if" statements, you will wind up with a ma…
  • I can give it a look in a day or two.
  • Hi NakedFury First things first. Random Treasure 1 -30 ought to work out of the box. It uses a generator called srdtreasure.ipt which MUST be located in your \Inspiration Pad Pro\Common\srd folder. I'm guessing for some reason, that file is not the…
  • Freewolf's original code (I tweaked the line return sightly) actually works for me: ; red.ipt ; created 10/15/2018 9:39:58 AM table: example [@3 colors with red] table:colors this is my color {$1}\n Here's the output: If that didn't work, I t…
  • Not a problem, Ed. I was just trying to use IPP for more than it was intended - game aid, rather than just a generator. It's an awesome tool as-is, and there's always some way to get it to do what I'm trying. It'll just take a few specific generator…
  • Great. Please post you finished generator, if you are able to share. I'd like to see it & use it when you're done. Thanks
  • So, it's not recommended and there's no way to be sure it will work. The embedded generator that you call by means of a "Use" statement certainly will not prompt for user input, but you probably already know that. Putting variables based on direct…
  • Thanks. I missed that previous thread reporting the limit. I can narrow the scope of my generator - probably one for hit, one for miss, and melee only (or make ranged a selection as you illustrated). The main purpose of the generator will be to exp…