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  • I like the flexibility of having spaces and even some punctuation in table names. It makes the table names easier to read (for me, anyway), and it can cut down on editing and mistakes if I'm copying and pasting. For example, if I'm generating an obj…
  • Welcome to the group!
  • By the way, I'm politely assuming for now that the individual has attempted to follow the registration instructions: "If you'd like to get an invitation code, email us at our tech support address and we'll send you one." I don't know if they waited …
  • One more example: Table: x4 Hi Hello If the line between Hi and Hello has no content, table x4 says either Hi or Hello every time. If that seemingly empty line has a space in it, x4 shows Hi about a third of the time, Hello about a third of the …
  • More differences between braces and brackets: {stuff==prompt1} sets the variable stuff equal to the value of prompt1. [stuff==prompt1] sets the variable stuff equal to the text 'prompt1'. [stuff=={prompt1}] sets the variable stuff equal to the va…
  • Aha, I poked around some more and found the magic keystrokes: ctrl-shift-(digit), for digits 1 through 9. It turns out to be useful. It makes a bookmark for the current editing session. It's not saved with the file, so the markers will be gone the …
  • I'm still not sure D100OEH is doing what you intended. I'm thinking you're still not clear on the Set statement and lookup tables. Given jdale's correction of my earlier example, I believe you're looking for something like this: Table: Example {ne…
  • There are several problems with your notation. {Braces} enclose expressions. (Parentheses) are for overruling the order of operations within an expression. [Brackets] serve multiple purposes in IPP, but their only purpose within an expression is to …
  • The Roll: command is for lookup tables when you want the table to use a built-in die roll. The example from the help file (repeated below) shows a table that normally uses a 1d10 roll. You can invoke the table using [@Humanoid] and it'll use the bui…
  • Merging or not merging depends on what you want from the tables. If you merge the quests into one table, you can weight individual quests as you see fit. If you'll call the merged table multiple times (within one run) using the [! deck pick notation…
  • Here's the method suggested by jdale. In this case, the quest tables are the same as they were before, but now I'm using a table selection instead of an in-line choice to pick one. Table: Test [!Pick a quest]& \nYour first quest is quest #{ques…
  • In addition, there's a key difference between inline choices [|one|two|three} and listing them on separate lines of a table: IPP evaluates all the inline choices, but not all the table entries. That can make a difference when you're using deck pull…
  • Can you clarify what's going on with lines like [![@SmallShipAmount]Random2MastShip >> implode] As you've written it here, without a space between [@SmallShipAmount] and Random2MastShip, you're trying to call a table whose name consists of wh…
  • To get a literal space, you can set your variable like this, enclosing a space in quotes: {separator==" "} You can verify: see{separator}the{separator}spaces Is that what you're trying to do, or is it something else?
  • I wouldn't mind if [when] could handle >= and =15, "it is", "it isn't")} Results: 14 shouldn't be >= 15 with when, it isn't with if, it isn't 15 should be >= 15 with when, it isn't with if, it is 16 should be >= 15 with when,…
  • Dictionary tables are the tool of choice at times, but sometimes the key limitations get in the way (max 10 characters, no spaces). One example above tries to use Anythingbutnormal and MorrowProject as keys, but both have more than 10 characters. Y…
  • You could use round, floor, or ceil either to turn the result into a whole integer or to test it. [#{round(roll)} Look] or [when]{floor(x)}={x}[do]It's a whole integer[else]It's not a whole integer[end] One catch: I just found out that the round…
  • From what I can tell, using lookup values with anything other than a positive whole number is quirky. Example: This always returns "one" Table: Test {roll=1d3+0.5} yields [#{roll} Look] Table: Look Type:lookup default:defau…
  • Yeah, it seems related to the 10-character limit for dictionary keys. And only if there's a dash in it. Good catch. I've been bitten by the "looks like a dictionary key" problem before, which is why I often use : in the text, but I haven'…
  • Oops. I added elder-borne to the wrong list. elder-borne: works but elder-born: doesn't. I should also note that changing the : to : with any of those examples works fine, so that's my solution.
  • If I understand correctly, you're hoping you can take a formulation like this: [!5 Items >> sort >> implode] and capture each result in a different variable, such as item1, item2, etc. Something like this: [!stuff=5 Items >> so…
  • If an "on-the-fly table" means you have one table create another table that you can call during the same run: nope, IPP doesn't do that. If you want one table to create material you'll use in the future, you could have it create syntactically corre…
  • Another way to go would be to not pin down every percentage of every relevant race in every subsubsubsublocation of the world in advance. Let a table create the percentages for you as you go, and not until you need them. In other words, this table w…
  • If curhench isn't defined, you'll get odd results, so maybe that's what you're running into. Here's a test table: Table:Test curhench isn't defined. [masterPV==[|{curhench}|0]] MasterPV is now "{masterPV}".\n& [curhench==Wilbur]& curhench i…
  • I'm not sure whether your generator is choosing a random birth location given the race, or choosing a random race given the birth location, or choosing both randomly. You could add percentages to weight the results. The weights could be percentages…
  • Magic Resistance {({WIS/10}+{1})} pt every minute (increases by 1% every 10 WIS points.)\n& Am I interpreting this correctly to mean magic resistance starts at 1%, and goes up by another 1% for each 10 wisdom? First, you'd need to capture t…
  • If you're still looking for an answer... I'll focus on Strength {ST1} as an example. You've set ST1 to STR as if STR is a variable, but you have no variable called that. You have a table named STR that you never invoke. If you want the STR table t…
  • A d100 roll plus a modifier, with anything below 1 treated as 1, and anything higher than 140 treated as 140: {min(140,max(1,1d100+fmod))} jdale's explanation is spot-on. The max function as I use it above gives you 1 or 1d100+fmod, whichever is hi…
  • It's syntactically valid, but are you trying to change the die or are you trying to add a modifier to a d100 roll? As written, you're changing the number of sides on the die. If fmod is -10, for example, you're rolling 1d90. If fmod is 7, you're ro…