If you select-all it will select all, but only show the first 20 systems in the system data tree (because otherwise you could be getting to hundreds of thousands of items being loaded into it). So you should be able still mass-edit everything. I wo…
If you have existing data, the best approach might be to write an Astro script to rotate the system positions. Then you would not need to transfer anything. You'd iterate the systems and adjust their x/y/z position based on the desired rotation and …
There is no inherent sector orientation in Astro. If you are using real-universe data, you'll need to rotate it to the desired orientation before importing.
In the Advanced Usage section of the help file, under Importing and Merging, there's a section describing a CSV file format that Astro can import. So you'd have to get the data out of this or any other stellar database and reformat it into the forma…
If you want to assign them randomly to all the planets in the sector you'll have to write a script. There's no way to make the built in generator assign these values.
I made a program years ago that took sample text and split words up into syllables, recording the combination frequency. Thats what I used for some of the name generators in IPP and those used by Astro.
I looked into this and the following are what are passed into the generator as variables:
"BodyType": The name, such as Star or Terrestrial
"Habitability": The description (Inhospitable, habitable, hospitable)
"Population": either "Populated" or …
Hmm, no, not in a 3d sense. You can set up a marker that orbits the planet at a particular distance. That will show the circle around the planet in the system viewer.
What's the error you're getting? Usually commenting out lines until the error goes away gets you the cause.
You can check if the BodyType is BODY_TYPE_MULT or BODY_TYPE_CLOSEMULT to detect if its a multiple. Actually what you might want to do is th…
Try iterating systems like this
#plugin Squashdown!
#author NBOS
#desc Compresses system positions along the Y axis
sector = GetCurrentSector()
j = sector.SystemCount
For i = 1 to j
o = sector.GetSystem( i-1)
o.y = o.y / 2
You could certainly write a script for it to add them in bulk. To get them relatively equadistant take the orbital time and divide it by 3. ie, if its a 300 day orbital period, make one at 0, one at 100, and one at 200. But they are elliptical orbi…
No, that's about as low a density as it will create. To create lower, you'd probably need a script to randomly delete half of the systems after creation.
The .fmp format FWE uses is the older text based format. So its human-readable if you open it in a text editor. Look at the ISO fields assigned to each polygon (ISO in this context refers to the elevation). That should show the elevation (I believe …
I doubt its the nvme itself, but its certainly possible something in the file system on it is throwing FM for a loop. On rare occasions a directory or file will have some unexpected attributes, causing FM problems accessing it. If something is faili…
The steps for the vector fill would look like
1) ellipse with thicker line
2) overlay the entrance with another object
3) vector flood fill the line
4) remove the original ellipse and overlay object
Well, not directly. For an ellipse, you can clone it as a polyline (not polygon) using Actions -> Clone To ->Polyline. And then use the node deletion tool to trim points off the start and end (it'd be the furthest right part of the ellipse). T…
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. But the X & Z axis generally represent the surface (horizontal) and the Y axis the vertical (elevation). For why that is, you'll have to read up on 3d graphics.