Not likely to get fixed, I'm afraid. The Character Sheet Designer is no longer an active product. Someday I hope to re-use parts of it in other projects.
It basically works as is, with a couple additional Dim statements, as FM's new Basic engine requires it all variables to be Dim'ed.
#author NBOS Software
#desc Increments a label as the map is clicked
#customtool L…
I would assign the pay or a pay multiplier right in the RandomCargo table.
Table: RandomCargo
50: {paymult==2) Grains
40: {paymult==3) Timber
Use the double = so that it assigns the value but doesnt output the number. Then you can use that number…
If you try to move the database, you may also be able to just copy the database files into their new location. But that may be complicated if you have a lot of attachments.
You can manually. You'd have to
Make a backup of your DB(s) - "File -> Export Database".
Re-install The Keep into your One Drive folder
Import the DB
You'd just have to make sure you're using the correct new shortcut link when running the pr…
False positives are extremely common. Often anti-virus software will simply flag any executable it doesn't recognize as being malware 'just in case'. When in doubt you can upload the file to something like virustotal which will run like 100 scanners…
The skwyre server is still running and I plan on keeping it running because there's a number of games currently using it. But the current client applications I don't think will be updated (much). Instead my intent is to rewrite the clients completel…
No, there isn't. I believe what Astro does is share FWE's code, so it uses that to create the FWE file and save it to the astrodb file.
I can look at adding something like that in the future. It wouldn't be too difficult.
This is a design issue - I specifically avoid nested folders like that. Its much easier and quicker to scroll through a list of 100 symbols looking for the one you want, rather than having to hunt through dozens of different folders.
I dont think having decimals in the lookup keys would be too much of a change. I'd have to look at the code to see how its storing that info now, but it should be doable. Negative numbers should be possible as well, though the "-" separating the low…
It's just "Inspiration Pad Pro". Its not a programming language, more like what's called a "regular expression" engine, but one designed for random output.
The language engine itself is written in a programming language called Delphi.
Yeah, then you'd have to do the opposite of that. Generate a new sector, filter out any star above the given visual magnitude, and put it into your sector, maybe with a check to make sure its not too close to an existing star.
Another simpler way m…
If I understand what you're asking, the only way to simulate that would be to write a script that calculates the visual magnitude of each star from the central point, and filter out those that fall below some threshold. That will simulate how the da…
'root only' searches only the root body, so it wouldn't search multiple star systems. You'd want 'systems with'. That will search everything, finding the matches, and return only the system root body.
To search for all systems within 10 light years that have a hospitable planet, you'd do something like:
Systems with, Hospitable, Within 10
"Systems with" returns only the root system
"Within 10" only looks at systems within 10ly of any selected …
This is great, Mark!
I'll make it into an FM9 package and see how it loads that way. Given its size, that should be the ultimate test of the package system.
Hope all is well!