They are SQLite databases, just like the keep.db files. Except they also have the file attachments included in the database (as opposed to the keep.db file, that keep them separately so they can be loaded and saved).
What happens when you try to i…
The id column is a reference to the database row, so you don't have to worry about that. It doesn't define anything about the body. Its auto incrementing, so you can leave it out of your sql and the database will automatically assign an id to new …
You'll probably want to put in empty values to the fields you aren't using. If in doubt, look at an existing database and see whats stored for fields where they aren't needed. I think its just defaults (usually 0 or an empty string)
The star coloring was done differently in the older version. I don't think you can change them in v3. You should be able to change the label color by searching for something like this in advanced search:
Systems with, political = "MyNation"
Email me one of each (3DS or OBJ) file, or a link to them, to the support address support2 at Otherwise I'd just be guessing what the issue is. You are talking about showing up in the 3d map, correct? Or the preview? (because that requi…
On some of those drivers, even a simple settings change can impact how it works. So its not even always a change to the drivers themselves. Made for some fun tech support back in the day
Do you really mean v1?
The limitation comes from the video drivers. Some can make in-memory bitmaps of any size, some can't allocate a bitmap that's larger than the screen size. Often it changes with different driver versions. Particularly in ol…
The date value is relative to whatever the epoch date is for the sector. So if you consider Jan 1st, 3000 to be your epoch, and you want the position on Jan 10th, you'd use 10 as the value for the date. The actual epoch date depends on your univer…
I don't think there's a way to get the time that's set in the display. You may have to ask for it with a dialog popup or something.
To calculate positions at a give time, what you need to do is call the body's GetOrbit() method. That returns an O…
Hi Allison,
First off, I know this is late, but I'm so sorry to hear about Kory. We used to email back and forth on occasion back in the day. My condolences.
On to maps... there's a couple ways you can do this.
Perhaps the easiest would be to o…
Since you want a system at the center, its probably easiest just to move the system you want to the center. This way all coordinates would be relative to it.
No, sorry, the software requires Windows.
The only 'built in' way to work with existing continent shapes is to load a digital elevation file (.DEM) into Fractal World Explorer, and then export it as a Fractal Mapper map. But the resolution when do…
If its a standard sector, the center is point (0,0,0). So its the system closest to that. You'll have to look at the positions of the systems closest to that point to determine which is actually closest, or write a script to do it.
(moved convo to Astro topic)
The typical problem with astronomical data is that the data needs to be converted from angles to the x/y/z coordinates that Astro uses.
What I would love to see is an up to date data set of all the exoplanets. Somethi…
Variables can't be used as weights because the weight is parsed by the program as the generator is loaded, while the table item lines are only processed as they are encountered.
Unfortunately, I'm not an iOS developer, and I don't really have the available time to get up to speed with all that's necessary to get a beta program going through TestFlight. That's basically what I meant by no easy way to do a beta. That, and A…
No formal ETA yet on FM9. Still hoping for this year. Both myself and the artist had some distractions that set us behind schedule. Coding is about 90% done, all the primary new features are in place. I will of course post an expected release da…
This does look like a bug. You should be able to set the date format for the log entry to something sortable alphabetically by setting the format in "File -> Database options for (database name)" from the menu, and then the "Log Format" tab.