You'd need a local web server running. That's not too complicated, as there's a number of "WAMP" (Windows - Apache - MySQL - PHP) installers out there that will set that all up. Once you have that, you can make a small PHP script to call the IPT com…
I believe you can use the GetWaypoint() and GetWaypointCount() methods for this. I've never tried it exactly this way though. You would iterate the waypoints. Each waypoint object has a property called Body which would represent the body connected…
The travel calculator doesn't look at routes, so you'd have to do each segment individually.
To move the ships, that would require a script. There's nothing in astro to handle ship movements like that.
No, the shipped DLL is fine. Just tested everything on a blank Windows 10.
I have seen very rare cases where some machines have problems loading some versions of the DLL for [insert esoteric Windows logic] reasons, and basically doing what you did …
Yes, this looks like a bug. Whats happening under the hood is that IPP is generating a table call for each character, like [@mangle with {$1}], and running it. Problem is the space causes the parameter {$1} to be empty, making it look like [@mangle …
You'll probably need a different font as the size is not configurable. I tried with that font in a word processor and the font itself does render small compared to other fonts of the same size for some reason. I've seen that with a few other fonts…
If you can find an appropriate image, you can assign it as a blazon image for the system where the cloud is. If you want something larger that spans multiple light years, you'd probably have to set a marker on the map and define an area of influenc…
The full Milky Way has hundreds of billions of stars, so its not something Astro would be able to map out in its entirety.
But if you just want a general disk shape, you might use a script to compress the stars in a spherical sector along the Y (ve…
Yes, when you include an external table that's in a different file, its loaded and inserted into the current generator file. So every table is treated as if its in the same file.
That said, if you intend to use this external table in other generat…
Interesting... thanks for figuring it out. You probably won't be the only one that gets bitten by that.
A couple years ago a Windows update wiped out my wife's purchased copy of MS Office... and that's their own software!
Maybe your anti-virus software is doing it? Or Windows update is screwing something up? There's nothing in the Keep that would enable it to delete itself like that. Is this v2?
Where do you have it installed on your drive? If its installed into a directory that has spaces in its name, 1.02f, which is a Windows 3.1 program that expects strict 8.3 file naming, may not be able to handle that.
What's the version that you have (help -> about in the menu)?
You should be able to use the auto updater (help -> check for updates) to update to the most recent general purpose release. If you have a particularly old build of AS3, you may h…
I think its just the "d6". That may have to be d6(), or you may have to roll your own dice function. I don't remember off hand if the designer has those built in.
I re-uploaded a new Astro executable that is signed with the NBOS code signing certificate. This should make Windows happier when you try to run it.
Here's an updated build. Replace your existing Astro3.exe with this one. Also takes care of the brown dwarf search problem in the query builder.
NOTE: This executable is not signed. I'm in the p…
Yep, it looks like it was something introduced in the last update when the temperature calcs were tweaked a bit.
Just to clarify, this is only related to 'free planets' - planets that are not part of a star system.
I'll see if I can post a fix thi…